Recap of RxA’s 2019 Professional Development Conference

We’ve all been there. Nervous butterflies as you set out to do something new.. all by yourself. When I saw the opportunity to attend RxA’s (Alberta Pharmacists’ Association) Fall 2019 Professional Development Conference, I felt excited and nervous. Excited because that means learning.. growing.. meeting new people. Nervous because that means going outside my comfort zone; this is a primarily Pharmacists’ event.. after all?! Here I am, a Technician, with my pens and my binder and a ready to rock attitude.

My experience? Amazing. Simply, amazing! Every single time I come home from an event I was previously terrified to attend (and almost backed out of) I am always SO happy I went. Did I learn? Yes! Did I meet new people? Absolutely! Did I even connect with some old colleagues? You bet. I have found that RxA and ACP have been nothing but helpful, warm and welcoming at every interaction. Events like these make me feel so supported and excited to see what the future holds for Pharmacy across our province.

I attended multiple sessions. Friday was all about Leadership. We had the incredible opportunity to learn from Krystal Wynnyk, BScPharm, Dr. Neil MacKinnon the Dean and Professor of Pharmacy at the University of Cincinnati, and Dale Cooney. One of the topics was “What Is Leadership, And Why Should You Care?” We discussed the concept of leadership and the application to the profession of Pharmacy. For myself, a big takeaway I got from these Keynote sessions was how Leadership applies to us RPhT’s and the ways we can take charge of our role to be masters of the dispensaries!

Saturday was a very full day. I studied Ocular Health, Sleep And Sleep Disorders, Pharmacogenomics and How To Achieve Compliance with Non-Sterile Compounding. There was a large number of incredible physicians, pharmacists, optometrists and much more to lead us through the breakout sessions for the day. Not only did I get my accredited CEU’s (that’s coming up fast for us Techs, by the way!) but I left feeling re-energized and excited for where I can take my Pharmacy practice. If you’ve ever considered attending a conference or a learning opportunity but you’re nervous, scared, any of the above… just do it! I promise you will never, ever regret it. Want a buddy to go with? Reach out! PTSA would love to connect you with a fellow friend to attend with.

One of my favorite quotes ever is “If It Doesn’t Challenge You, It Won’t Change You”. It may sound cheesy, and it kind of is, but it has pushed me more times than I can count. As a Registered Pharmacy Technician in this amazing province of Alberta, I know without a doubt we are SO fortunate to practice here. Our scope of practice and extremely supportive regulatory body allows us almost endless opportunities to learn and grow.. and if some first hand experiences or motivational quotes don’t get you inspired to go, go for the food. Because dang it is always amazing lol!

Next up? CSHP Alberta Branch Symposium (CABS) 2019 that will be held at Matrix Hotel in Edmonton on October 26-27, 2019. I so look forward to connecting with you at this next event.


Lindsay Marks (RPhT)

About Lindsay

Lindsay began her career as a Pharmacy Assistant in 2010. Since then she has obtained a diploma in Medical Lab Technology from NAIT, and also became licensed as a Registered Pharmacy Technician with the Alberta College of Pharmacy in 2016. She currently practices at Sandstone IDA in Blackfalds, AB.

If you had the privilege of attending the 2018 Pharmacy Association of Nova Scotia’s Annual Conference, you would have had the opportunity to attend a presentation Lindsay  provided about how pharmacy technicians practice in Alberta.


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