Participating in Draft Standards Consultation


Earlier this year, PTSA had the opportunity to provide Feedback on Standards of Practice Changes – PTSA proposed by the Alberta College of Pharmacy (ACP). Those changes were in response to legislation amendments protecting women and girls and the redistribution of information from the profession regulation to the standards.

In the letter submitted to ACP, PTSA outlined further changes to the standards that would be needed to reflect modern pharmacy technician practice and provide greater clarity surrounding appropriate roles for non-regulated pharmacy employees.

ACP has initiated another consultation period to gather feedback on redesigned standards of practice. The most recent revisions are “reimagined to support ACP’s strategic goal to ensure ‘there is a modern and relevant framework to regulate pharmacy practice’.” More info is available here: Consultation underway for DRAFT standards of practice | Alberta College of Pharmacy (

According to the draft Standards document “This version of the Standards…includes modifications to improve readability and useability. Many existing standards have been grouped into domains of pharmacy practice, while new standards have been added to ensure the standards remain relevant and applicable to the evolving practice roles of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.

There are eight separate domains that represent facets of pharmacy practice…The domain of person-centred care is foundational to every aspect of pharmacy practice. Similarly, the domain of professionalism and leadership is fundamental to all other domains as it is an intrinsic part of all activities that a regulated member performs.”

The eight domains of pharmacy practice outlined are:

  1. Patient-centred care
  2. Professionalism and leadership
  3. Communication and collaboration
  4. Knowledge, skills and judgement
  5. Public health and health stewardship
  6. Continuous quality improvement and quality assurance
  7. Patient assessment and providing care
  8. Drug distribution and compounding

PTSA encourages all pharmacy technicians to take time to review the draft standards and provide feedback directly to ACP prior to Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at 4:30 p.m. MT. A copy of the draft standards and feedback survey can be found on ACP’s website here: DRAFT Standards of Practice for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians | Alberta College of Pharmacy (

PTSA’s advocacy committee has also started reviewing the standards with the goal of providing feedback to ACP. If you would like to join the committee and help ensure the voice of Alberta’s pharmacy technicians is heard, contact us at


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