Make Every Puff Count


On June 27th at 5:00PM MST, respiratory experts, Dr. Allen Greenwald, Respirologist, and Kathy Hayward, CRE Pharmacist, will lead us through an important discussion on inhalers and the environment, and how we can Make Every Puff Count.
In this session they will present actionable strategies that you can implement in the pharmacy to help mitigate the environmental impact of inhalers, while working to improve patient outcomes.

Note, this session will be recorded. If you register and cannot attend, you will receive an email with a link to the recording.

Make Every Puff Count Registration Link: Webinar Registration – Zoom

Please feel free to share the webinar link with any of your colleagues who you think may wish to partake in the session. We look forward to an interactive discussion on a topic that impacts both patients and the environment.



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