List of Compensated Services for Volunteers

In 2021, the PTSA board introduced a policy to clarify when a volunteer board or committee member may receive honorariums or incentives. The policy required that compensated services be added to a list based on available budget, the extent of commitment required, and the need for hard to recruit initiatives. Click here to read more about the policy changes.
The policy requires the board to review the list annually and update it as needed. The list of compensated services and honorarium ranges that will be paid, has been added to the Member’s Only section of the website. The list includes:
- authoring an accredited continuing education module
- reviewing a continuing education activity for accreditation
- creating a presentation, speaking at a conference, workshop or any education event
- creating a practice tool for use by the membership
- creating commissioned promotional materials (e.g. pamphlet, brochure, logo, banner, etc.)
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