Inform the Canadian High Alert Medications List


High-alert medications are drugs that bear a heightened risk of causing significant patient harm when they are used in error.

ISMP Canada is developing a Canadian list of high-alert medications. The list will be informed by an environmental scan, consultation with Canadian health care practitioners, consumers, and their caregivers, and medication incidents reported to the Canadian Medication Incident Reporting and Prevention System (CMIRPS).

You can help by responding to the High-Alert Medication Survey!

For patients, consumers, and caregivers: English | Français
For health care providers: English | Français

For more information contact


Practitioners looking for existing resources on high-alert medications can review the lists developed by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices in the United States. 

Acute Care Setting: 

Community/Ambulatory Setting: 

Long-Term Care Setting: 


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