Carolyn Hoffman – The Role of Pharmacy Technicians in Learning, Sharing, and Acting After a Medication Error


Carolyn-Hoffman.jpgCarolyn Hoffman, RN BScN MN, CEO, Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada (ISMP
Canada). Carolyn has previously held senior leadership roles in health ministry, hospital operations, nursing regulation, and provincial as well as national quality and patient safety organizations. This included positions at the Royal Alexandra Hospital and the Quality & Healthcare Improvement Department of Alberta Health Services. She has an extensive background in Emergency Nursing and has been the CEO of ISMP Canada for five years. Carolyn is a co-author of the Tool for the Concise Analysis of Patient Safety Incidents (2016), Canadian Incident Analysis Framework (2012); the lead author of the 2008 consultation paper on the Development of a Canadian Adverse Event Reporting and Learning System; and co-author of the Canadian Patient Safety Dictionary (2003).

Presentation Description

Increasing workload, and complex medication preparation and packaging processes, are just
a few of the many contributing factors increasing the risk of errors in pharmacies. Join this session to learn about how ISMP Canada is working with Pharmacy Technicians, Pharmacists,
and so many others, to receive medication incident reports for analysis, learning, and sharing.
Participants will also engage in a discussion about the types of medication errors they are identifying and how meaningful safety improvements can be made.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the mandate of the Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada (ISMP Canada) and two ways that pharmacy technicians can collaborate with the organization to improve medication safety for patients and families in Alberta.
  2. Describe a Systems Approach to medication safety and three types of system errors that occur in Canadian pharmacies.
  3. Apply the ISMP Canada Hierarchy of Effectiveness in their workplace to take effective action after a medication error.


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