Trudy Huyghebart – The Environmental Impact of Medication and the Role of the Pharmacy Technician in Waste Mitigation


Trudy-Huyghebart.jpgDr. Trudy Huyghebaert is a clinical pharmacist for the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Calgary/Alberta Health Services. She has an active clinical practice and is involved with medical resident education, quality improvement projects as well as precepts PharmD students for the University of Alberta and University of Toronto. She is currently the mitigation co-chair with the Canadian Association of Pharmacy for the Environment (CAPhE) and co-chair for the sustainable prescribing working group with Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care. She is also a member of the Canadian Drug Expert Committee (CDEC) with Canada’s Drug and Health Technology Agency (CADTH).

Presentation Description

Are you interested in learning more about what steps you can take in your own practice to promote sustainable healthcare? This presentation will provide an overview of the impact medication has on our environment and provide a practical approach to implementing sustainable solutions to mitigate the impact of medications on the environment in your own practice setting. This presentation is designed to be interactive and will encourage discussion and problem solving.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the risks and harms of inappropriate disposal of medication and other pharmaceutical related waste.
  2. Discuss the role of the pharmacy technician and pharmacy team in mitigating these risks.
  3. Generate ideas and strategies to mitigate waste in your practice setting.
  4. Identify one or two actionable items that can be implemented at your practice within the next 6 months.


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