Pharmacy Technician Society of British Columbia Annual Conference 2024


I was very lucky to be able to attend the PTSBC 18th Annual Conference on Oct 25-26, 2024, in Richmond, BC. The conference opened with an impressive vendor exhibit and networking session. I was able to test out some new products that are coming out on the market. We were also able to participate in the entertainment for the evening with a lively game of Name that Tune, that had the whole room participating!
The PTSBC Conference Committee had arranged a very well-rounded set of education sessions. Some of my session highlights were learning about:
The expanded scope of registered nurses working with BCCNM-certified practice designations in clinical and outreach settings.

The complexities of the drug supply chain in Canada from the manufacturing to the end product making it to the customer and the potential risks that can cause the supply disruption.
Identifying the role and opportunities of Clinical Pharmacy Technicians in the renal setting and how they have helped to improve patient outcomes by completing BPMH’s.
In between sessions I was able to network with other Pharmacy Technicians from different health authorities across BC and as far east as PEI. It was really great to be able to be able to share experiences, wins, and frustrations with colleagues from across the country.

Thank you so much to PTSBC for hosting a great conference in a beautiful city!
Written by Nicole Rees, PTSA Vice President

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