Pharmacy Technician Day – October 16

October 16 declared as Pharmacy Technician Day in Alberta

What originated as a day of celebration hosted by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (US) has become an international opportunity to celebrate pharmacy technicians.

Pharmacy Technician Day Declaration 2018 from The Honorable Sarah Hoffman, Minister of Health

Pharmacy Technicians are essential health professionals with a defined set of skills that positively impact patients and pharmacy practice.

Let’s use this day to promote how our role is essential to the care of Albertans and have a bit of fun in the process.

Plan a Display or Promotional Activity at your Pharmacy

Get creative and promote your role. Graphics to help with your display are available from PTCB

Use the Letter to Managers/Licensees to get support for your initiatives.

Share How Your Role is Essential

Download and print the comment card and write a sentence or two about how your role is essential.

Take a pic of you holding your comment card and submit it to the Pharmacy Technician Day Photo Contest. One winner will be randomly selected from all submissions to win a prize.

Get Social

Tag your social media posts with #RxTechDay and‬ #RxTechAB. Engage with other pharmacy technicians and see how they’re celebrating around the world. Be sure to follow PTSA on Twitter and Facebook.  Watch for special tweets and posts on October 16!

Add the “Pharmacy Technician Day” or “Proud to be RPhT” frame (available soon) to your profile picture. To add a frame, go to your Facebook profile and click UPDATE on your profile picture. Choose ADD FRAME and search the frames for “Pharmacy Technician Day” or “Proud to be RPhT”. Once you’ve adjusted the frame to fit your photo, choose USE AS PROFILE PICTURE.

Attend the Joint AHS/PTSA Celebration Event

Join fellow pharmacy technicians for a province-wide celebration event October 16. You can attend at one of the in-person locations or online via Skype. Come prepared to share appreciation and successes! Click here for more information and to register. Print the poster to share with others.

Get FREE PTSA Membership

For Pharmacy Technician Day only, October 16, all Alberta pharmacy technicians and pharmacy technician students will be able to register for a one year PTSA membership for FREE. Membership Application Form

Current members can take advantage as well by referring new members. All current members that send an email to on Pharmacy Technician Day with the name of the new member they are referring will receive a discount code to get their next renewal for FREE. Only emails referrals received October 16 will be eligible and the new member must also register on October 16.

*Note: current members may refer more than one new member but only one free renewal will be granted per member.

How are you planning to celebrate Pharmacy Technician Day? Share your ideas in the Comments below.


One reply on “Pharmacy Technician Day – October 16”


The hospital, where I work, also celebrated it, so it was a really nice surprise when I came to work. I think such days are made to encourage people to keep doing good work.

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