Professional Liability Insurance Renewal Period Nov 1 – Jan 1


To avoid a lapse in coverage you must submit your renewal online on the Brokerlink/PTSA website each year prior to January 1.

If you select that you are currently insured with the Brokerlink/PTSA program it will automatically trigger the renewal. A renewal certificate will be emailed immediately upon completion of the form.
Don’t forget to update your personal professional liability insurance records in your myACP profile.

What the PTSA Liability Insurance Plan is and why do you need it?

There’s probably no single reason for the increase in litigation by clients against professionals in the past few years. A generally more litigious public, lawyers who push for larger settlements, and judges who more frequently award those larger settlements all probably play a part in the increase of lawsuits. But what can a single professional do within this stressful business environment?

If I’m a pharmacy technician, how can I be protected from frivolous lawsuits?

The best way to protect yourself as a professional is what is known as Errors and Omissions insurance (E & O insurance). Any professional that deals with clients’ health necessarily takes on a certain amount of risk in the normal course of his or her duties. Risk, in this context, means the potential damages that you could be liable for in the event of an error or omission. You take on risk, the potential damages, even if nothing goes wrong. Sometimes mistakes are made and sometimes something will go wrong when no one is at fault. E & O Insurance protects the professional by compensating clients should any error be made.

If you’re a pharmacy technician, a specific type of E & O Insurance is available to you that has been designed to meet regulatory requirements. This plan is only available through HDF Insurance in Edmonton and was designed by members of Pharmacy Technician Society of Alberta (PTSA).

How does the PTSA Liability Insurance Plan work?

The PTSA Liability Insurance Plan is designed to address the unique risks incurred by pharmacy technicians in the ordinary course of their jobs. Managing a dispensary, for instance, can be complicated. Even the smallest error when providing patients with medicine or information can be potentially disastrous.

You shouldn’t, however, be constantly worried about lawsuits. The PTSA Liability Insurance Plan covers you from frivolous laws suits on a claims-made basis. This means that you will be covered for the period in which you pay premiums and can extend coverage for up to six years with the purchase of an Extended Reporting Endorsement.

PTSA Renewal

If you already have the PTSA plan, be sure to renew it from November 1 – January 1 each year. If you would like to have PTSA insurance, now is the perfect time to apply. BrokerLink works for clients with insurance companies to get the best deals possible.

Choice of limits, subject to terms and conditions.

  • $1,000,000 per claim / $1,000,000 aggregate
  • $2,000,000 per claim / $2,000,000 aggregate
  • $2,000,000 per claim / $4,000,000 aggregate
  • $5,000,000 per claim / $5,000,000 aggregate
  • No deductible
  • Includes Disciplinary Action – Legal Expense coverage up to $ 50,000
  • Includes Penal Defence reimbursement for up to $ 25,000

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