Feedback to Health Canada on Proposed Controlled Substances Regulations

In 2024, Health Canada initiated the next phase of their regulatory modernization work with regards to controlled substances. That work includes proposed new Controlled Substances Regulations (CSR) that would consolidate 6 exemptions and 6 regulations including the Narcotic Control Regulations, and the Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances Regulations. The proposal also reflects changes to allow pharmacy technicians to independently conduct activities with controlled substances in a pharmacy setting.
More information about the proposed changes can be found in Canada Gazette, Part 1, Volume 158, Number 22: Controlled Substances and in the blog post: Regulations Proposed Controlled Substances Regulations Changes – PTSA.
The proposed changes are a positive move towards recognizing the expertise of pharmacy technicians and the role they play in the health system. However, PTSA believes the changes do not reflect the pharmacy technician’s role in ordering and distributing controlled substances between a pharmacy, or another facility where pharmacy services are provided.
Pharmacy technicians must also be enabled to sell and provide controlled substances so that pharmacists can in turn use their expertise to expand their role in prescribing. PTSA provided this feedback to Health Canada.
PTSA will continue to monitor Health Canada’s work and provide updates as they are available.
How will these changes affect your practice? Share your comments below.