Cannabis for Medical Purposes


With the Cannabis Act coming into force on October 17, 2018, there are two distinct systems for distributing cannabis in Canada; the federally regulated medical system which essentially remains unchanged, and a provincial system that regulates the retailing of cannabis for recreational use. The legalization of cannabis has implications for pharmacy practice both in respect to medical use of cannabis by patients and recreational use of cannabis.

ACP has created two guidance documents to support pharmacy practices.

Cannabis Act and Its Regulations

Guidance for Pharmacy Practices

For more Information: ACP website

DrugSafe Website

Cannabis, a drug that used to be illegal is now legal. Opioids have changed how people view recreational drug use. Prescription drug addiction is a growing concern for many Albertans.

In response, Alberta Health Services created DrugSafe — a trusted source for Albertans to find vital information on reducing the harm drugs can cause.

Currently, you can take quiz or access information on the following:


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